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High Energy Physics & Big Science

Accelerating your ideas to higher voltage

Design of normal conducting particle accelerator magnets has evolved towards an exclusive material specification of ARMCO Pure Iron which is one of the most famous developments of our company. This high purity iron ensures uniform and reproducible properties for high and/or defined magnetic permeability of D.C. electromagnets, pole shoes, magnet frames and accompanying shielding components. The outstanding usefulness has been extensively reported for synchrotron, collider and cyclotron projects and for related developments in science, analytics and particle/radio-therapy.

ARMCO NITRONIC® 50 Stainless Steel provides high toughness properties in combination with a very low magnetic permeability, which makes it an effective material for shielding and vacuum vessel applications, in particular at cryogenic temperatures, and for components like fasteners.

We refer you to our download section for detailed Product Data Bulletins of our materials.


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AK Steel Corporation
9227 Centre Pointe Drive
West Chester, Ohio 45069
(513) 425-5000

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(800) 331-5050
(513) 425-4200

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AK Steel International B.V.
Lage Mosten 23
4822 NJ Breda
The Netherlands

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